Storm water pollution is an important water quality concern. Storm water is excess rain or snowmelt, referred to as “runoff”, that occurs and accumulates above or below ground after a rainfall or snow event. Impervious surfaces such as streets, driveways, and parking lots prevent storm water from naturally soaking into the ground, and instead direct the water flows into rivers, streams, creeks, and lakes - carrying with it pollutants such as litter, lawn and vehicle chemicals, and animal waste. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that at least 50% of the nation’s water pollution is caused by runoff.

What can you do to help?
Residents and businesses can directly reduce storm water pollution by controlling our actions and limiting introduction of contaminants that originate through:
  • Illegal dumping into the sewer system of antifreeze, motor oil, solvents, and paints.
  • Pesticides and fertilizers.
  • De-icing chemicals.
  • Spilled fuel.
  • Pet waste.
  • Sediment from construction sites.
  • Oil and grease from roadways.
  • Carelessly discarded trash/litter, including cigarette butts.
Residents and businesses are strongly encouraged to collect unnecessary debris and pet waste, use pesticides and fertilizers sparingly, recycle hazardous chemical waste, reduce vehicle leaks, and use chemicals such as those for pools at established guidelines.

Why is the program important?
Water is vital to our health, and the health of the plants and animals that share the earth's resources with us.  Once deposited into the watershed, these pollutants can negatively impact the recreational and essential use of a natural resource by contaminating the groundwater supply and interfering with plant life and the wildlife habitat of fish and other animals.

What is the NPDES Stormwater Program?
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program is designed to educate the public and effect a change in the way we conduct our daily activities with an eye towards improving the quality of the water that flows into bodies of water. This will help improve the water quality in our rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, and ponds.  Visit the NPDES website.

Water quality or water pollution issues can be reported to the Village’s Department of Public Works at (847) 426-2822

Click the links below to review the Village's reporting requirements to the IEPA: